
2024 Fall Beach Brawl


Beach Arena
Event 1
Elite Only

“Super Sprint”

400m Swim
10,000m Bike Erg
1,600m Beach Run

60:00 Time Cap

Course map to be provided at time of registration closing.


PR Apparel Arena
Event 2 
Time Cap 10:00


All Divisions 

For max weight

3 Front Squat
2 Hang Clean
1 Jerk

At 3-2-1 Go, lifters will start by loading an empty barbell to their desired opening weight. This complex will begin from the rack.  Once weight is loaded, the lifter will receive the bar in the front rack position and begin the complex from the full, upright position of shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in line. The lifter will squat to a depth that clearly shows the hip crease descending below the top of the knee and then return to the full, upright position for each front squat repetition.  

After the third front squat, lifters will lower the barbell to the hang position and complete 2 hang cleans. The barbell may not descend lower than the top of the knee The lifter must show control at the finish of the repetition by standing up to the full upright position, have their elbows in front of the barbell and have the barbell in the front rack position. 

After the 2 hang cleans are completed the lifter will complete one jerk to finish the complex.  The jerk will begin with the lifter standing in the full upright position and have the barbell in the front rack position.  lifters will dip, drive, drop and punch in typical fashion.  Once the barbell is received overhead and stable, the lifter will stand up in the full, upright position to complete the repetition. 

A pause is not required between any repetition or movement during this complex however, all movement standards must be met.  

Hang squat cleans are permitted.  Push jerks or split jerks are permitted.  

A “press out” or failing to catch the barbell with the arms fully extended in the jerk will be considered a good lift as long as the lifter shows control and is able to safely complete the lift.  Be advised that your judge has the final call on whether the lifter demonstrated control effectively. 

If the lifter fails to meet the standard of movement for any of the repetitions, a no rep will be given by the judge and the lifter must rack the barbell and restart the attempt.

Barbell clips are required to be used for all lifts. 

Score for this event will be the highest weight successfully completed.


Beach Arena
Individual Event 3
Time Cap 10:00
For Time

100 Double Unders
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (70’s/50’s)
3 x Beach Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (70’s/50’s)
100 Double Unders

100 Double Unders
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (50’s/35’s)
3 x Beach Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (50’s/35’s)
100 Double Unders

Intermediate/ 40+ Masters/ 50+ Male
75 Double Unders
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (50’s/35’s)
3 x Beach Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (50’s/35’s)
75 Double Unders

75 Single Unders
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (35’s/25’s)
3 x Beach Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (35’s/25’s)
75 Single Unders

75 Single Unders
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (35’s/25’s)
3 x Beach Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT” (35’s/25’s)
75 Single Unders

At 3-2-1, Go, athletes will move from their start mats, pick up their jump rope and begin completing the jump rope prescribed for their division.  Once the jump rope has been completed, athletes will pick up two dumbbells, stand to a full upright position and then begin completing three rounds of 12 deadlift, 9 hang power cleans and 6 shoulder to overhead.  

Each round of 12-9-6 must be fully completed before moving to the next. After the dumbbell complex is complete, athletes will enter the beach area and perform three shuttle runs.  

On completion of the shuttle runs, athletes will perform 3 more rounds of 12 deadlift, 9 hang power cleans and 6 shoulder to overhead.  

On completion of the dumbbell complex, athletes will pick up their jump rope and begin completing the jump rope prescribed for their division.  Once complete, athletes must tag their start mat to receive their time.  

Please note standards for each movement below. 

Any repetitions left incomplete will result in a 1 second penalty per repetition. 

Double Under: 
The jump rope must spin forward and pass under the athletes feet two times for each jump.

Single Under:
The jump rope must spin forward and pass under the athletes feet one time for each jump.

Dumbbell Deadlift:
Repetitions will begin at full extension with the knee’s, hips and shoulders in line and the dumbbells in the hang position.  Athletes will begin the deadlift by descending the dumbbells to the ground.  One head of each dumbbell must touch the ground outside of the foot before the athlete can complete the repetition. The repetition is complete when the athlete stands to a full extension with the knee’s, hips and shoulders in line. 

Dumbbell Hang Power Clean:
Repetitions will begin at full extension with the knee’s, hips and shoulders in line and the dumbbells in the hang position. Athletes will then lower the dumbbell to a level that is clearly below the hip crease before extending and completing the power clean. The dumbbells will be received in a partial squat at the shoulder.  Repetitions are complete once the athlete stands to full extension with the knee’s, hips and shoulders in line with the dumbbell touching the shoulder.  The elbow must be clearly in front of the forward dumbbell head at the finish of the repetition. 

Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead:
Repetitions will begin at full extension with the knee’s, hips and shoulders in line and the dumbbells in the front rack position touching the shoulder.  Athletes will press both dumbbells overhead.  Repetitions are complete when the athlete reaches full extension with the knee’s, hips and shoulders in line and the arms fully extended with the dumbbells directly over the shoulder.  Strict press, push press or push jerk are all acceptable as long as the beginning and end of movement standards are met. 

Shuttle Run: 
The shuttle run will start at the knee wall that separates the beach and the rest of the arena.  Athletes will enter the beach, run 25 feet in the sand, go around a 3 ft cone and then return to the knee wall. The wall must be tagged by hand after each run.  


Blackout Barbell Arena 
Individual Event 4 
Time Cap 10:00
For Time

Round 1: 
12 Power Snatch (135/95)
10 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
35 Toes to Bar

Round 2: 
9 Power Snatch (155/105)
10 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Round 3: 
6 Power Snatch (185/125)
10 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
15 Ring Muscle ups

Round 1: 
12 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
20 Toes to Bar

Round 2: 
9 Power Snatch (135/95)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Round 3: 
6 Power Snatch (155/105)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10/7 Ring Muscle ups  

40+ Masters
Round 1: 
12 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
20 Toes to Bar

Round 2: 
9 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Round 3: 
6 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
7/5 Ring Muscle Ups

Intermediate/ 50+ Masters/ Teen
Round 1: 
12 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
20 Toes to Bar

Round 2: 
9 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Pull Ups

Round 3: 
6 Power Snatch (115/85)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Round 1: 
12 Power Snatch (75/55)
10 Box Step Overs (24/20)
30 Hanging Knee raises

Round 2: 
9 Power Snatch (75/55)
10 Box Step Overs (24/20)
15 Ring Rows

Round 3: 
6 Power Snatch (75/55)
10 Box Step Overs (24/20)
30 Hanging Knee Raises


At 3-2-1 Go, athletes will move from the start mat and begin round 1 of the prescribed power snatches, box jump/step overs and gymnastics movements. Each round is complete when the prescribed work has been completed and the athlete returns to and tags their start mat. 

Athletes must face the start mat when performing gymnastics movements. 

Stepping on the start mat with one foot will be the standard, a hand tag is not required

This flow will continue until all 3 rounds have been completed or time expires.  A one second penalty will be added for any incomplete repetitions.

*On completion of round 1, Elite and RX athletes will add weight to the barbell before beginning round 2.  All other divisions will keep the same weight throughout all 3 rounds.  Clips must be placed on the barbell after adding weight.

**On completion of round 2, Elite and RX athletes will add weight to the barbell before beginning round 3.  All other divisions will keep the same weight throughout all 3 rounds.  Clips must be placed on the barbell after adding weight.


Power Snatch
The power snatch will start from the ground. Athletes will perform the power snatch, receive the barbell in a partial squat with the barbell overhead and the arms at full extension. Repetitions will be credited when the athlete stands to full extension of the knees, hips and arms with the barbell directly over the body.  

Box Jump Over
Athletes will jump to the top of the box.  Both feet must touch the top of the box at the same time before moving to the ground on the opposite side.  A step down is not required.  Box jumps will be box facing, lateral is not permitted. Both feet must contact the ground on the opposite side of the box for the repetition to count. 

Box Step Over
Athletes will step to the top of the box.  Both feet must touch the top of the box at the same time before stepping down to the ground on the opposite side.  A step down is required.  Box step overs will be box facing, lateral is not permitted. Box jump overs will not be permitted for athletes that are prescribed this movement. Both feet must contact the ground on the opposite side of the box for the repetition to count. 

Toes to Bar
Athletes must start from a dead hang or pass through a hang below the bar with their arms fully extended and feet off the floor with their heels behind the upright of the rig. Athletes must then raise their feet to contact the bar between their hands.  Both feet must contact the bar at the same time for the repetition to count.

Hanging Knee Raises
Athletes must start from a dead hang or pass through a hang below the bar with their arms fully extended and feet off the floor with their heels behind the upright of the rig. Athletes must then raise their knees above the hip crease for the rep to count before returning to the starting position.  

Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang then pull themselves up with their chest clearly contacting the below their collarbone for the repetition to count.

Pull Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang then pull themselves up with their chin rising higher than the top of the bar for the repetition to count.

Ring Rows
Athletes will start each repetition with their feet in front of the white line that is directly below the rings, body leaned back in the support position with the arms fully extended.  Repetitions will be credited when the athlete pulls themselves up to the rings and makes contact with the rings at the shoulder. 

Ring Muscle Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang or pass through a hang below the rings with their arms fully extended and feet off the floor. Athletes must finish each rep in the support position above the rings with their arms locked out.


Individual Event 5
Time Cap 10:00
For Time
4 Rounds for Time
30/24 Calorie Bike Erg
8-7-6-5 Sandbag Clean (150/100)

4 Rounds for Time
30/24 Calorie Bike Erg
8-7-6-5 Sandbag Clean (100/80)

Intermediate/ 40+ Masters/ 50+ Masters/Teen
4 Rounds for Time
23/18 Calorie Bike Erg
8-7-6-5 Sandbag Clean (100/80)

4 Rounds for Time
23/18 Calorie Bike Erg
8-7-6-5 Sandbag Clean (80/50)

At 3-2-1 Go, athletes will move from the start mat and begin completing 4 rounds of calories on the bike erg and sandbag cleans.  After the completion of each round of sandbag cleans, athletes will advance their sandbags 5 ft to finish the round.  The sandbag must be carried to the next section and cannot be thrown.  Once both of the athlete’s feet fully cross the line into the intended section, the athlete may drop the sandbag and return to the bike to begin the next round. 

On the completion of the final round, athletes will advance forward and cross the red finish line to receive their time. 

Any repetitions left incomplete will result in a one second penalty per repetition. 

Bike Erg
Calories must be completed before the athlete exits the bike.  Monitors will be set to perform intervals and the athlete will be responsible for starting the monitor for each round. Damper setting is up to the athlete. 

Sandbag Cleans
Starting from the ground, the sandbag will be lifted to the top of the shoulder and supported by one hand.  The opposite arm will be fully extended to the side at shoulder height. Repetitions will be credited when the sandbag is supported, the opposite arm is extended and the athlete is at full extension of the knees and hips with the shoulders directly over the hips.

Touch and go repetitions are permitted as long as the sandbag is clearly touching the ground at the beginning of each repetition. 


PR Apparel Arena
Team Event 1
Time Cap 12:00


All Divisions

0:00 to 6:00
P1/P2: 1 RM Max Bench Press

6:00 to 12:00
P3/P4: 3 RM Max Back Squat


At 3-2-1 Go, partners 1 and 2 will start by loading an empty barbell to their desired opening weight for the bench press movement. Partners 1 and 2 will work in or alternate as needed to achieve a one rep max in the 6 minute time window. The working athlete will be spotted by the non working athlete. A one rep max lift will be scored for both athletes. Partners 1 and 2 must unload the barbell for the incoming lifters. 

At the 6:00 mark, , partners 3 and 4 will start by loading an empty barbell to their desired opening weight for the back squat movement. Partners 3 and 4 will work in or alternate as needed to achieve a three rep max in the 6 minute time window. A three rep max lift will be scored for both athletes. 

Barbell clips are required for all lifts. 

**Coed teams may pair athletes however they wish. All athletes may share the same bar. 

Bench Press Standards:
To begin, the lifter must lie with their shoulders and buttocks in contact with the bench surface. The elected position of the shoulders and buttocks shall be maintained throughout the attempt. The lifter’s toes must remain in solid contact with the platform (a lifter may use plates to build up the surface of the platform). The lift-off must be to arm’s length with a pause to show control and not directly down to the chest. 
After receiving the bar at arm’s length an audible signal of “Lift” will be given by the judge. The lifter shall lower the bar to touch the chest, press the bar to straight-arm’s length and hold it motionless until the audible command “Rack” is given. The rep is credited when the judge gives the “Rack” signal. The non-working partner will assist with the lift-off and rack.  The non-working partner may not touch the bar for any reason after the “Lift” signal is given. Any assistance with lifting the bar will be considered a no rep and only done in the interest of safety of the working athlete.  Only partners 1 and 2 may assist with weight changes. 


Back Squat Standards:
The back squat will begin from the rack.  The lifter will receive the bar in the back rack position and begin the lift from the full, upright position of shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in line. The lifter will squat to a depth that clearly shows the hip crease descending below the top of the knee and then return to the full, upright position for each repetition. A score will be logged for a successful completion of three repetitions.  If the lifter fails to meet the standard of movement for any of the three repetitions, a no rep will be given by the judge and the lifter must rack the barbell and restart the attempt.  Only partners 3 and 4 may assist with weight changes.


Beach Arena
Team Event 2
Time Cap 12:00

48/36 Calorie Bike Erg
30 Synchro Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster (70/50)
4 x Synchro Beach Shuttle Runs 

48/36 Calorie Bike Erg
30 Synchro Alt. Dumbbell Hang Snatch (70/50)
400 Meter Synchro Beach Run


Intermediate/ 35+ Masters 
48/36 Calorie Bike Erg
30 Synchro Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster (50/35)
4 x Synchro Beach Shuttle Runs 

48/36 Calorie Bike Erg
30 Synchro Alt. Dumbbell Hang Snatch (50/35)
400 Meter Synchro Beach Run


36/27 Calorie Bike Erg
25 Synchro Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster (35/25)
4 x Synchro Beach Shuttle Runs 

36/27 Calorie Bike Erg
25 Synchro Alt. Dumbbell Hang Snatch (35/25)
400 Meter Synchro Beach Run


At 3-2-1 Go, athletes 1 & 2 will move from the start mat and complete the prescribed calories on the Concept2 bike erg, splitting calories as needed. Once calories are complete, both athletes will move to the next station and complete the prescribed number of synchro single arm dumbbell thrusters.  Once thrusters are complete, both athletes will complete the prescribed number of synchro beach shuttle runs.  On completion of the final shuttle run, athletes 1 & 2 will tag in athletes 3 & 4 at the start mat.

At tag in, athletes 3 & 4 will move from the start mat and complete the prescribed calories on the Concept2 bike erg, splitting calories as needed. Once calories are complete, both athletes will move to the next station and complete the prescribed number of synchro alternating dumbbell hang snatches.  Once snatches are complete, both athletes will complete the 400 meter synchro beach run.  On completion of the beach run, athletes 3 & 4 will tag the knee wall in their respective lanes to receive their completion time.  

**Coed teams will work in same sex pairs.

Bike erg: 
Adjustments to erg are permitted prior to start.  Calories must be completed before the athlete exits the bike.

Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters:
At the start of the movement, athletes will pick up the dumbbell and place it in the front rack position.  A squat will be performed to a depth that clearly shows the hip crease descending below the top of the knee and then return to the full, upright position with the dumbbell pressed overhead at arm’s length.  The repetition is completed at full knee, hip and arm extension and the synchronization will occur at the top of this movement.  The dumbbell must be over the center of the foot at the end of the repetition. A squat clean is permitted for the first repetition as long as movement standards are met. Athletes may alternate arms as needed. 

Beach Shuttle Run:
The beach shuttle runs are 25 ft down and 25 ft back in the sand.  Both athletes must run 25ft together, go around a 3 ft tall cone and return 25 ft to tag the knee wall where they started.  Both athletes must tag the wall at the same time.  Failure to tag the wall by one or both athletes will result in a no rep.  

Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches:
At the start of the movement, athletes will pick up the dumbbell and return to the full, upright position with the knee, hip and shoulders in line.  Athletes may then lower the dumbbell to a level that is clearly below the hip crease before completing the snatch.  The repetition is completed at full knee, hip and arm extension with the dumbbell pressed overhead and over the middle of the foot.  Synchronization will occur at the top of this movement. Athletes must alternate arms between each repetition.  Athletes may choose which arm to start with.  

400 Meter Synchro Beach Run:
Athletes will start the beach run by running 25 ft to the end of their lane, pass the 3ft tall cone on the left side and then immediately exit the arena to the right.  At the 200 meter mark, athletes will go around a 15 ft tall blue flag and begin their return to the arena. Upon return, athletes will run past the arena before entering on the far side of the arena.  There will be two 15 ft tall flags at the re-entry point.  Athletes must return to the 3 ft tall cone in their lane, go around that cone on the left side and then run the final 25 ft to tag the knee wall to complete the run. Both athletes must tag the wall to receive your time.

A course map will be provided at time of registration closing.


Blackout Barbell Arena 
Team Event 3 
Time Cap 12:00
For Time

Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
Ring Muscle Ups
Power Cleans (185/125)
Power Cleans (185/125)
Bar Muscle Ups
Synchro Bar Facing Burpees


35+ Masters
Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
Ring Muscle Ups
Power Cleans (135/95)
Power Cleans (135/95)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Synchro Bar Facing Burpees


Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Power Cleans (135/95)
Power Cleans (135/95)
Pull Ups
Synchro Bar Facing Burpees


Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
Ring Rows
Power Cleans (95/65)
Power Cleans (95/65)
Hanging Knee Raises
Synchro Bar Facing Burpees



At 3-2-1 Go, athletes 1 & 2 will move from the start mat and complete 16 synchro bar facing burpees, 16 of the prescribed gymnastics movement and 16 power cleans. Athletes may choose to split up the gymnastics and power cleans as they wish.  The working athlete must tag in their partner when breaking up the work load or when advancing to the next movement. The resting athlete will remain 5 feet away from the working athlete for the duration of the round.

Once athletes 1 & 2 complete their round of 16’s, both athletes will return to start and tag in athletes 3 & 4 to begin their round of 8 power cleans, 8 of the prescribed gymnastics movement and 8 synchro bar facing burpees.  

This flow will continue until all three rounds have been completed by both pairs or until time expires. A one second penalty will be assessed for any incomplete repetitions. A further example of flow is listed below. 

Athletes must face the start mat when performing all gymnastics movements. 

**Coed teams may pair however they wish.  The Synchro burpees must be completed over the same barbell. 

Round 1
P1/P2: Completes 16 Synchro bar facing burpees, then 16 of their prescribed gymnastics movements, then 16 power cleans.
P3/P4: Completes 8 power cleans, then 8 of their prescribed gymnastics movements, then 8 synchro bar facing burpees.

Round 2
P1/P2: Completes 12 Synchro bar facing burpees, then 12 of their prescribed gymnastics movements, then 12 power cleans.
P3/P4: Completes 12 power cleans, then 12 of their prescribed gymnastics movements, then 12 synchro bar facing burpees.

Round 3
P1/P2: Completes 8 Synchro bar facing burpees, then 8 of their prescribed gymnastics movements, then 8 power cleans.
P3/P4: Completes 16 power cleans, then 16 of their prescribed gymnastics movements, then 16 synchro bar facing burpees.

Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
Both athletes will start on the same side of the bar.  Both athletes’ chest and thighs must be in contact with the ground at the same time for the synchronization to occur. All divisions will be required to jump over the bar with the exception of the scaled division.  Scaled athletes may step over the bar.  Repetitions are credited when both athletes’ feet touch the ground on the opposite side of the bar. 

Power Cleans
The power clean will start from the ground. Athletes will perform the power clean, receive the barbell in a partial squat with the elbows clearly in front of the barbell and then stand to full extension of the knees and hips with the shoulders directly above the hips.  Repetitions will be credited when the athlete has 

Ring Muscle Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang or pass through a hang below the rings with their arms fully extended and feet off the floor. Athletes must finish each rep in the support position above the rings with their arms locked out.

Bar Muscle Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang or pass through a hang below the bar with their arms fully extended and feet off the floor. Athletes must finish each rep in the support position above the bar with their arms locked out and shoulders slightly in front of the bar. No portion of the foot may rise higher than the bar. Passing through a dip is not required. 

Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang then pull themselves up with their chest clearly contacting the below their collarbone for the repetition to count.

Pull Ups
Athletes must start from a dead hang then pull themselves up with their chin rising higher than the top of the bar for the repetition to count.

Ring Rows
Athletes will start each repetition with their feet in front of the white line that is directly below the rings, body leaned back in the support position with the arms fully extended.  Repetitions will be credited when the athlete pulls themselves up to the rings and makes contact with the rings at the shoulder. 

Hanging Knee Raises
Athletes must start from a dead hang or pass through a hang below the bar with their arms fully extended and feet off the floor with their heels behind the upright of the rig. Athletes must then raise their knees above the hip crease for the rep to count before returning to the starting position. 


Team Event 4
Time Cap 12:00
For Time

25 Heavy Calf Rope Double Unders
50’ Sandbag Carry (150/100)
9-7-5 Sandbag Squats (150/100)

40 Heavy Calf Rope Single Unders
50’ Sandbag Carry (100/80)
9-7-5 Sandbag Squats (100/80)

30 Heavy Calf Rope Single Unders
50’ Sandbag Carry (80/50)
9-7-5 Sandbag Squats (80/50)

35+ Masters
40 Heavy Calf Rope Single Unders
50’ Sandbag Carry (100/80)
9-7-5 Sandbag Squats (100/80)

At 3-2-1 Go, athletes will work one at a time to complete their prescribed jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry and 9 sandbag squats. Once all 4 athletes have completed the round of 9, they will move on to the round of 7 and then to the round of 5.  A written example is listed below. 

Resting athletes must remain at the start mat while the working athlete is on the floor. 

The sandbag can be carried in a bear hug or on the shoulder.  Athletes do not have to drop the sandbag when transitioning from the carry to the squats. 

A one second penalty will be assessed for any repetitions that are incomplete. 

**Coed teams may choose any order they wish. 

Round 1

  • Athlete 1 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 9 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 2 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 2 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 9 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 3 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 3 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 9 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 4 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 4 will complete Jump Rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 9 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 1 at the start mat to start the next round.

Round 2

  • Athlete 1 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 7 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 2 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 2 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 7 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 3 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 3 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 7 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 4 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 4 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 7 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 1 at the start mat to start the next round.

Round 3

  • Athlete 1 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 5 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 2 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 2 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 5 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 3 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 3 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 5 sandbag squats and then tag in athlete 4 at the start mat. 
  • Athlete 4 will complete jump rope, 50 ft sandbag carry, 5 sandbag squats and then return to and tag the start mat to receive your time.


Double Under: 
The jump rope must spin forward and pass under the athletes feet two times for each jump.
*The heavy calf rope will be provided by Mute Sports Equipment.  4 sizes will be available for use at each lane.  CLICK HERE to view equipment details. 

Single Under:
The jump rope must spin forward and pass under the athletes feet one time for each jump.
*The heavy calf rope will be provided by Mute Sports Equipment.  4 sizes will be available for use at each lane. CLICK HERE to view equipment details. 

Sandbag Carry:
The sandbag carry may be performed with a bear hug grip above the waist or supported on the shoulder. The carry will be 25 ft down and back. If the sandbag is dropped or rested below the waist during the carry, a no rep will be issued the carry will start over. 

Sandbag Squat: 
The sandbag squats will be performed with the sandbag supported on the shoulder. Both hands may be used to support the sandbag.