'25 SPRING BRAWL: 3/22 & 3/23

2025 Spring Standards

Posted on October 2, 2024

Below are the 2025 Beach Brawl Spring movement standards. Please note that the goal of these is to guide you in registering for your appropriate divisions. These do NOT reflect all movements and may change at any time. All athletes should be prepared to perform all listed standards below:

Deadlift (225/155)
Power Clean (185/125)
Shoulder to overhead (185/125)
Kettlebells (53’s/35’s)
Toes to Bar (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Bar Muscle Up (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Box Jump Over (24/20)
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
Concept2 Row Erg, Rogue Echo Bike and Assault Runner

Deadlift (185/125)
Power Clean (135/95)
Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
Kettlebells (35’s/26’s)
Toes to Bar (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Chest to Bar Pull Up (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Box Jump Over (24/20)
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
Concept2 Row Erg, Rogue Echo Bike and Assault Runner

Deadlift (155/105)
Power Clean (115/85)
Shoulder to overhead (115/85)
Kettlebells (35’s/26’s)
Hanging Knee Raises (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Ring Row (Ring Height= 48 inches at the top of the ring)
Box Get Over (24/20)
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
Concept2 Row Erg, Rogue Echo Bike and Assault Runner

Masters 40+:
Deadlift (185/125)
Power Clean (135/95)
Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
Kettlebells (35’s/26’s)
Toes to Bar (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Chest to Bar Pull Up (Bar Height= 92 inches.  Two 6 inch risers available per lane) 
Box Jump Over (24/20)
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
Concept2 Row Erg, Rogue Echo Bike and Assault Runner