2024 FALL BEACH BRAWL: 9/27-9/29

2024 Fall Standards

Posted on April 4, 2024

Below are the 2024 Beach Brawl Fall movement standards. Please note that the goal of these is to guide you in registering for your appropriate divisions. These do NOT reflect all movements and may change at any time.

Power Cleans, 185/125
Snatch, 155/105
Dumbbells 70/50
Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Ring Muscle Up
Box Jump 30/24
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 150/100
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs
Open Water Swim

Power Cleans, 185/125
Snatch, 135/95
Dumbbells 50/35
Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Ring Muscle Up (All Individuals/ 2 people per team) 
Box Jump 24/20
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 150/100
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs

Power Cleans, 135/95
Snatch, 115/85
Dumbbells 50/35
Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Chest to Bar Pull ups
Wall Ball 20/14
Box Jump 24/20
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 100/80
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs

Power Cleans, 95/65
Snatch, 75/55
Dumbbells 35/25
Single Under
Hanging Knee Raises
Ring Rows
Box Step Over 24/20
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 80/50
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs

Power Cleans, 135/95
Snatch, 115/85
Dumbbells 50/35
Double Unders
Toe to Bar 
Ring Muscle Ups (All Individuals/ 2 people per team)
Chest to Bar Pull ups
Box Jump 24/20
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 100/80
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs

Masters 50+:
Power Cleans, 115/85
Snatch, 115/85
Dumbbells 50/35
Double Unders
Toe to Bar 
Pull ups
Box Jump 24/20
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 100/80
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs

Teen (Ages 15-17):
Snatch, 115/85
Dumbbells 50/35
Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Chest to Bar Pull ups
Box Jump 24/20
Sandbag (Rogue strongman bag) 100/80
All Barbell lifts for 1 rep max
All Ergs